At DeltaPrime’s roots, we find $PRIME. In many ways $PRIME is like any other ERC20: It can be traded on the open market, sent to a fren, LPd on a DEX. Unique to $PRIME is that it is necessary to create and manage $sPRIME. $PRIME, in its pure form, will be mostly used for speculative purposes. However, due to $PRIME being a necessary element for $sPRIME, with its price therefore correlated to $sPRIME demand, we need a solid emission schedule for $PRIME to create stability and sustainability. “Emission” of $PRIME specifically pertains to bringing the token into public hands.
Many tokenomics aim to have their emissions correlated to demand. Generally 3 types of token emission schedules exist:
Fixed (based on time, eg: $UNI)
Flexible (based on event, eg: $DAI)
Dynamic (based on formula, eg: $CVX)
While a fixed schedule is the easiest to implement, it also requires accurate predictions of how demand grows over time. Dynamic schedules need to incorporate a wide variety of variables and often need multiple iterations in order to keep the formulas accurate, which reduces predictability of token emissions. Additionally both types suffer one major challenge: emitting during periods of high demand is easy; retrieving those tokens during periods of low demand not so much.
While $PRIME is not a stablecoin, a level of stability and predictability is preferred to support sustainability. For this reason, $PRIME emissions will be flexible and based on its current price. To achieve this, we use Trader Joe and Uniswap v3 to provide $PRIME to these markets single-sided. This will be Community Owned Liquidity.
Community Owned Liquidity
Community Owned Liquidity (COL) comes from our Community allocation (see the token distribution below). At TGE, 10% of the total supply is provided on the DEXs to reduce slippage on larger sized $PRIME purchases. This liquidity will remain in the liquidity pools, until a properly decentralized DeltaPrime decides otherwise, or a portion gets airdropped toprevent idle liquidity (more on this in the $sPRIME section). To ensure this, COL will be provided by a public contract of which the owner is a 2/3 multisig (controlled by the DeltaPrime founding team) with a 30-day timelock. The 30-day timelock allows liquidity to be moved if the pools they reside in get deprecated by the DEX, while simultaneously giving the community ample time to respond to triggered functions of the contract.
As $PRIME increases in demand (and thus in price), this liquidity automatically brings more $PRIME in public hands. Conversely, if $PRIME decreases in demand, the countertoken collected will automatically be used to buy back the $PRIME, in turn reducing the supply and providing price stability in a downturn. The 10% COL at day one allows for a max slippage of 1.95% for $100.000 $PRIME, which linearly reduces to 0.97% slippage, as $PRIME reaches 5x listing price ($6.56).
This has a couple of benefits:
Whales can take part in $PRIME trading / accumulating, straight from day 1
$sPRIME holders generate more fees with reduced impermanent loss
Emissions and buybacks happen organically, based on supply and demand
Locked sPRIME airdrops can be given away, rooted in COL
Last updated
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